Graduate Financial Aid

We recognize that pursuing your graduate degree requires a commitment of time, effort, and financial resources. That’s why we’re committed to making your studies as affordable as possible, and we’re here to help you along the way.

Financial Aid

There are two primary financial aid options available to graduate students at Roger Williams University, Graduate Assistantships & Scholarships and Federal Loans.

When considering your financial aid options please review the following important information:

  • In order to be eligible for federal financial aid at RWU, you must be enrolled at least half-time (in most cases, that means two courses or more except for Architecture studios).
  • An initial financial aid package will be offered based on the course load indicated on your graduate application. A final financial aid package will be determined once you have officially registered for classes.
  • Students enrolled less than half time per semester are not eligible for financial aid.
  • Non-matriculating students are not eligible for financial aid.

For more information, please contact the Office of Graduate Admission at 401-254-6200 or

Graduate Assistantships & Scholarships

RWU offers graduate assistantship and scholarship opportunities to students enrolled in the programs in Architecture, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Forensic Mental Health Counseling, Preservation Practices, and Special Education. The amounts for these awards vary by program.

Learn more

Federal Loans

Outside of graduate assistantships and scholarships offered by individual programs, most graduate students finance their education through federal loans. In order to apply for federal loans, applicants must complete the FAFSA (the Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and have the information sent to RWU. Completing the FAFSA is the only requirement in order to receive a financial aid package.

Federal Loan Options